Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Far They Come

I hate to perpetuate a stereotype about how crude and awful Barfalo fans are when they come to the RBC Center. I'm sure it's only a percentage of Barfalo fans who are like that, right? And the bad ones just make it rotten for everyone? But there I was, walking in to the arena across the parking lot, trying to explain to the newbie fan I was bringing to the game with me why this game was so important and why Barfalo is the most hated enemy of the Caniacs, when I finally ceased talking and just pointed to the nearest loudest Barfalo fan who was in the process of illustrating my point for me.

He was walking along with his girlfriend, obnoxiously loudly talking to no one in particular but everyone within earshot, about how the Canes were going to clean his balls this summer because their season was over. I've heard plenty of season-ending tee-time jabs and seen plenty of golf swing gestures; that's no big deal. But this guy was making obscene gestures related to cleaning his balls in front of dozens of strangers nearby, including children. Then he went on to say something about how it was no big deal, cleaning his balls, because his girlfriend does it for him all the time: "Don't you, baby?"

And the très couth girlfriend, also sporting a Sabres jersey, agreed. "Damn right, baby, all the time." And joined him in making the obscene gestures.

Stay classy, Slugs.

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