Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sir Walter Likes Team Staal

The statue of Sir Walter Raleigh currently resides outside the Raleigh Convention Center, where some of the festivities surrounding the 2011 NHL All-Star Game are to be held this weekend. On the All-Star Wide Open website, there was a pic of Sir Walter decked out in hockey pads and holding a stick. I figured it must have been photo-shopped because Sir Walter is larger than your average hockey player. But the image inspired another random act of cleverness.

Even though it was as I had expected, I was disappointed Sir Walter wasn't actually wearing goalie pads when I went downtown to see him in person, but his typical attire - whatever those floofy pants are - still worked with the sign I had made for him. I was just going to climb up there and hold the sign for the photo op, but then I decided to leave it there. Sir Walter himself asked me to make him a sign, after all. No, really, he did. He's on Facebook.

Anyway, I hope nobody charges me with vandalism. I didn't think it could be construed as vandalism; it seemed harmless enough. Walt is a tough guy. He can take it. It's not as if I beheaded him or something.